Sunday, January 25, 2009

大年初一 躬奉祖先

First day of cny is usually a family day. Visiting our ancestor or we called MOYANG and will declare as vegetarian day. Pic above is my old house in telipok mile 16, kpg Giling. This house is made of Nyatuh wood with berlian piller, it is almost 60 years old from now..

While waiting for the granchildren to finish praying for thier Gong ma.. Opps.. some one is surveying the house with her sence & sensibility... She enjoyed being muddy and dirty, sniffing around with her flat nozzle... and funny thing she scared Lupo away ( the big dog whom is the master in the doggie comunity here)


Elsa said...

aduii..I tot it almost done...rupanya only the kitchen.

melissasy said...

Yes Pratricia, opss prisc-

Byk lagi belum siap oh.. langsung cant stay bah